On a warm afternoon in Los Angeles, an awards show was held to celebrate the best of the best in Scrap-chievements. Many big name celebrities were there like Tom Cruise, Gwynneth Paltrow...er...okay, so I'm tellin a small fib or three.
'The Rustie' is an award for the best of the best (or worst) in many categories such as 'Best Technical Cock-Up'. Presented by Robert & Cathy and watched by an immense audience of 2 (Robert & Cathy) on their 13" television in one of the build areas at the scrapheap. In essence, it's a show designed to recap the production crew's favorite moments of the previous series of Scrapheap Challenge.
You can either click on each individual category
or cycle through them on after the other without having to return to this
page. Click the envelope at the bottom of each page to find out the winner
of each category. With that all said, let the show begin!